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Fast algorithm for predicting the production process performance in flexible production lines with delayed differentiation
Fast algorithm for predicting the production process performance in flexible production lines with delayed differentiation
In flexible manufacturing lines with delayed differentiation, the production process may fluctuate sharply when a control action is performed. As a result, the steady-state analysis algorithm is inaccurate for these production lines, and transient behavior studies have become crucial. However, dynamic analysis remains unexplored compared with the well-established theoretical system of steady-state analysis. Therefore, in this study, we propose a fast algorithm for predicting the production process performance in the delayed differentiation-based flexible production line under operation control. We first formulate practical problems existing in the auto, food, and furniture industries into a mathematical formation. Then, we offer closed-form formulae for predicting the production process performance using the built stochastic model in the production line with three machines. We also propose an algorithm to predict the performance of a production line having more than three machines. The proposed methods were verified to be highly accurate through comparison experiments. In terms of theoretical contributions, this study offers a research foundation for other transient-based studies. From a practical perspective, the proposed algorithms can be employed to predict the production process performance of processing lines under production control in advance.

Importance of transaction costs for asset allocation in foreign exchange markets
Importance of transaction costs for asset allocation in foreign exchange markets
Transaction costs have a first-order effect on the performance of currency portfolios. Proportional costs based on quoted bid–ask spread are relatively small, but when a fund is large, costs due to the trading volume price impact are sizable and quickly erode returns, leaving many popular strategies unprofitable. A mean–variance-transaction-cost optimized approach (MVTC) that accounts for costs in the optimization efficiently tackles the problem with only relatively minor negative implications on before-cost profitability. MVTC is robust even when the price impact of trading is severe. Finally, we introduce an accurate extrapolation approach to expand the sample of the realized Amihud measure of Ranaldo and Santucci de Magistris (2022) from 12 to 26 currencies and from 2012 back in time to 1986.

Consumers prefer natural medicines more when treating psychological than physical conditions
Consumers prefer natural medicines more when treating psychological than physical conditions
Consumers generally prefer natural to synthetic drugs, a phenomenon known as the “natural preference.” Through six experiments and one archival study, the current research shows that while consumers have a general preference for natural drugs over synthetic drugs, this preference is stronger when the goal is to treat psychological rather than physical conditions. Process evidence indicates an important mechanism that explains the amplified natural preference for treating psychological conditions: Consumers are more concerned about their true selves being altered when treating psychological conditions, and they perceive natural drugs to be less likely than synthetic drugs to affect their true selves. The current research provides novel insights into the natural preference. It also offers policy and managerial implications for marketing natural remedies and pharmacological treatments for mental health conditions.

Casting a Light on Dark Venues
Casting a Light on Dark Venues
Increased trading in dark venues around earnings announcements offers advantages to businesses and markets that can allay regulators’ concerns
How to Predict Popularity
How to Predict Popularity
If the many functions of digital social media networks could be summed up in one word, it would likely be “sharing”. Through a myriad of apps and platforms, we share our thoughts, feelings, opinions, ideas, and more – with our friends and family, with our online social circles, with strangers, and even with companies.
Carry trade by Trucks
Carry trade by Trucks
New research shows that traders can bypass capital controls by transporting goods across borders by truck to reap currency carry rewards. We look at how they do it and what the consequences are
Learning to Coordinate in Firms’ Behaviours  – Dr. Jasmine Yu HAO
Learning to Coordinate in Firms’ Behaviours – Dr. Jasmine Yu HAO
While computer languages may sound alien to economics, I aim to showcase that good programming skills are conducive not limited to economic research, it can also open up endless career possibilities for you in the business world.

To Imagine the Future of Digital Currencies – Dr. Yang YOU
To Imagine the Future of Digital Currencies – Dr. Yang YOU
As a teacher, I will push myself to understand the expectations of local employers' and the market dynamics of Hong Kong.

From Quantum Physics to Quantitative Marketing – Dr. Chu (Ivy) Dang
From Quantum Physics to Quantitative Marketing – Dr. Chu (Ivy) Dang
As a science person, I am impressed by our students' strong business acumen. But as a teacher, other than teaching them how to use quantitative tools to make scientific claims, I also hope that I can encourage them to continue to stay inquisitive about the world and apply their classroom knowledge for the betterment of the society.

New Regulatory Measures for Borderless Investment
New Regulatory Measures for Borderless Investment
Decentralized finance (DeFi) and the virtual asset market are important sectors of the Web 3.0 ecosystem and a must-win battle for global financial cities. They bring changes to traditional investment methods, but also give rise to concerns of network security and regulations. DeFi-related investment activities often involve market participants from multiple jurisdictions, resulting in varying regulatory standards. While operators and service providers can take advantage of regulatory loopholes, regulators also find it difficult to collect relevant information. There is also a lacking of unified definitions and classification standards for cryptocurrencies, making it challenging for financial regulators in different countries to analyze and identify the authenticity of various cryptocurrency products. Global financial regulators are advocating for the principle of "same activity, same risk, same regulation" to ensure fair competition among all market participants.
Analyzing Hong Kong’s Overall Economic Situation with Data – Part Two
Analyzing Hong Kong’s Overall Economic Situation with Data – Part Two
How can we leverage voluminous and critical data to gain insights into Hong Kong's macro-economic landscape? In today's data-driven world, diverse stakeholders often arrive at vastly different conclusions by examining various datasets through unique lenses and methodologies. However, Dr. Chi Pui Ho advocates that to truly comprehend the overall economic trends, we should employ economic time series analysis, leveraging clear visualisations as a starting point. This, when combined with consistent relevant theories, can paint a nuanced picture of the trends and upcoming challenges across different economic landscapes.
Analyzing Hong Kong’s Overall Economic Situation with Data – Part One
Analyzing Hong Kong’s Overall Economic Situation with Data – Part One
The current economic growth and limited land supply have driven up housing demand and long-term property price appreciation. However, due to the geopolitical tensions between China and the US, changes in Mainland Chinese tourists' spending patterns, as well as increasingly fierce competition from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, both office and retail vacancies have reached high levels. Where should Hong Kong's economic development go from here?
Establishing Hong Kong as a Web3.0 Center: A Lengthy and Arduous Process
Establishing Hong Kong as a Web3.0 Center: A Lengthy and Arduous Process
从去年开始,在意识到传统的金融市场发展会遇到一定瓶颈的情况下,香港便提出了发展Web3.0的战略。Web3.0与Web2.0的主要区别之一在于用户规模:目前Web3.0的用户数量大约为1-2亿,远小于Web2. 0的用户体量。 要实现Web3.0作为第三代互联网的全面普及,用户规模需起码需要达到10亿体量。但是要从1-2亿增长到10亿,中间还有很大的一个Gap。要解决这个Gap,一是传统投资人能直接投Web3.0的资产;二是让Web3.0上的投资人可以投资传统资产;三是推动Web2.0与Web3.0的结合。

Scholars Predict Chinese Economy Rise and Stabilize, with 5% Growth Rate This Year
Scholars Predict Chinese Economy Rise and Stabilize, with 5% Growth Rate This Year

There Is a Time for Corporate Despots—but It Isn’t Forever
There Is a Time for Corporate Despots—but It Isn’t Forever
WSJ talked about the current trend of corporate dictatorships, where companies are run by founder-chief executives who hold on to special voting shares or run boards as their own personal fief. The article highlights a study by Prof. Roni Michaely of the University of Hong Kong, Hyunseob Kim of the Chicago Federal Reserve, and Doron Levit of University of Washington, which found that the benefits of a benign corporate dictatorship wane over time. The research, which examined 920 companies with both voting and non-voting shares, revealed an intriguing pattern. During the initial years following an IPO, companies with founder control tended to perform on par with their more democratically governed counterparts. However, after a decade or so, a significant premium emerged for shares with full voting rights. The article argues that granting full voting rights to all stakeholders is still the best form of governance for companies in the long run.