Pushing Yourself Harder: The Effects of Mobile Touch Modes on Users’ Self-Regulation
Pushing Yourself Harder: The Effects of Mobile Touch Modes on Users’ Self-Regulation
Many mobile applications use push notifications and reminders to explicitly educate, remind, and motivate users to perform healthy behaviors. However, users do not always act according to these explicit digital interventions. Our study investigates whether users’ self-regulation can be implicitly facilitated with a proper mobile interaction design. Specifically, we investigate the impacts of two touch modes that are supported by force-based interaction technology, that is, pressing and tapping. Drawing on the theory of embodied cognition, which suggests that people automatically infer meanings from their bodily actions, we conjecture that pressing, compared with tapping, enhances self-regulation because the action of pressing on the touchscreen embodies resolute approach motivation toward goals. We test our hypotheses in three experiments. The first experiment investigates beverage choices on a mobile app; the second experiment examines goal setting on a fitness app; and the third experiment focuses on personal hygiene learning on a mobile education app. The results from the three experiments show that pressing actions can improve users’ self-regulation in selecting a healthier but less tasty beverage (Study 1), setting higher exercise goals and performing more physical exercise (Study 2), and reducing lapses in maintaining personal hygiene (Study 3). In addition, such effects were more salient among users with a higher level of health knowledge and a promotion-focused health orientation. This study contributes to healthcare IT research by showing that mobile interaction can be leveraged to nudge users toward enhanced self-regulation.


尽管社交媒体让用户分享文章的功能有助网上报章发展,但有人认为此举会减少读者人数及削弱新闻议题设定,蚕食及损害报章的发展。有见说法迥异,我们必需了解于社交媒体分享新闻报导,以及在新闻网站阅读文章的二元思维的成因。根据一份取自亚洲国家的英文报章,有关其网上新闻的读者点击数据资料,以及从Twitter收集的社交媒体数据,我们以文章情感作为主要的新闻内容属性进行分析,发现情感对于读者群及其在新闻网站和第三方社交媒体平台上的分享行为存在差别效应。研究结果显示人们较倾向在新闻网站阅读带有负面情绪的文章,而在Twitter上则较倾向分享积极正面的文章。具体来说,新闻内容的情感每增加一个单位,新闻网站页面浏览量便会减少 10.86%或273个单位,但Twitter的分享数量却会增加17.0%或2.10个单位。当我们分析新闻报导的情感时,我们还发现作者的正面情感及负面新闻主题对读者的对比影响。为了解研究结果的潜在机制,我们对以往有关自我展示文献中提及的关键直觉进行测试。我们发现当Twitter用户的关注者人数增加(即受众规模),会令该名用户更倾向分享带有正面情绪的新闻文章。我们的研究结果证明新闻网站和社交媒体平台之间存在互相竞争但同时互补的关系,亦有助出版商制作更好的新闻内容和管理社交媒体,从而提升读者的参与度和扩阔读者群,同时保留新闻媒体设置议题的能力。

How to Recover from Work Stress, According to Science
How to Recover from Work Stress, According to Science
To combat stress and burnout, employers are increasingly offering benefits like virtual mental health support, spontaneous days or even weeks off, meeting-free days, and flexible work scheduling. Despite these efforts and the increasing number of employees buying into the importance of wellness, the effort is lost if you don’t actually recover. So, if you feel like you’re burning out, what works when it comes to recovering from stress? The authors discuss the “recovery paradox” — that when our bodies and minds need to recover and reset the most, we’re the least likely and able to do something about it — and present five research-backed strategies for recovering from stress at work.

Purple Haze, All in My Brain
Purple Haze, All in My Brain
Jian Zhang from the HKU Business School along with authors from the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, INSEAD in Singapore and the PBC School of Finance at Tsinghua University, helped to advance understanding of this phenomenon in their recent paper, called Air Pollution, Behavioral Bias, and the Disposition Effect in China. The team studied how air pollution can affect mental health by intensifying a certain type of cognitive bias observed in financial markets.
研究企业之间的协调行为 – 郝宇博士
研究企业之间的协调行为 – 郝宇博士

构想虚拟货币的未来 – 游杨博士
构想虚拟货币的未来 – 游杨博士


投资无疆界 规管新安排
投资无疆界 规管新安排
去中心化金融(Decentralized Finance,简称DeFi)和虚拟资产市场是第三代互联网(Web 3.0)生态圈的重要板块,亦是全球金融城市必争之地,它为传统的投资方式带来改变,同时衍生网络安全和监管等问题。
数据剖析香港金融及旅游宏观市场 – 下篇
数据剖析香港金融及旅游宏观市场 – 下篇
数据剖析香港物业市场大局 – 上篇
数据剖析香港物业市场大局 – 上篇
从去年开始,在意识到传统的金融市场发展会遇到一定瓶颈的情况下,香港便提出了发展Web3.0的战略。Web3.0与Web2.0的主要区别之一在于用户规模:目前Web3.0的用户数量大约为1-2亿,远小于Web2. 0的用户体量。 要实现Web3.0作为第三代互联网的全面普及,用户规模需起码需要达到10亿体量。但是要从1-2亿增长到10亿,中间还有很大的一个Gap。要解决这个Gap,一是传统投资人能直接投Web3.0的资产;二是让Web3.0上的投资人可以投资传统资产;三是推动Web2.0与Web3.0的结合。

学者料中国经济将前高后稳 今年可实现5%增速
学者料中国经济将前高后稳 今年可实现5%增速

There Is a Time for Corporate Despots—but It Isn’t Forever
There Is a Time for Corporate Despots—but It Isn’t Forever
WSJ talked about the current trend of corporate dictatorships, where companies are run by founder-chief executives who hold on to special voting shares or run boards as their own personal fief. The article highlights a study by Prof. Roni Michaely of the University of Hong Kong, Hyunseob Kim of the Chicago Federal Reserve, and Doron Levit of University of Washington, which found that the benefits of a benign corporate dictatorship wane over time. The research, which examined 920 companies with both voting and non-voting shares, revealed an intriguing pattern. During the initial years following an IPO, companies with founder control tended to perform on par with their more democratically governed counterparts. However, after a decade or so, a significant premium emerged for shares with full voting rights. The article argues that granting full voting rights to all stakeholders is still the best form of governance for companies in the long run.