Hongbin CAI
Prof. Hongbin CAI
Chair of Economics
Director, Institute of China Economy

3917 4567

KK 502


Professor Hongbin Cai is the Dean of the HKU Business School and Chair of Economics.  He received his B.A. in Mathematics from Wuhan University in 1988, his M.A. in Economics from Peking University in 1991, and his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University in 1997.  

From 1997 to 2005, he taught at the University of California, Los Angeles.  From December 2010 to January 2017, he served as Dean of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.  He joined the HKU Business School in June 2017 and serves as the Dean since July 2017.  He is a National Chang Jiang Scholar (awarded by Ministry of Education of China) and a National Outstanding Young Researcher (awarded by National Science Foundation of China).  Professor Cai has published many academic papers in top international journals in economics and finance, in a wide range of areas including game theory, Chinese economy, industrial organization and corporate finance. 

Professor Cai was elected as a Fellow of the Econometric Society. He was a member of the National People’s Congress, and a member of the Central Committee of China Democratic League and Vice Chairman of its Committee of Economic Affairs.  He was the founding president of The Chinese Finance Association (TCFA, overseas).  He serves as member of various committees of the Government of the HKSAR, such as the Chief Executive’s Policy Unit Expert Group and the Advisory Committee on the Northern Metropolis.

Recent Publications
University Enrolment Expansion brings Hong Kong Multiple Advantages


University Enrolment Expansion brings Hong Kong Multiple Advantages


Reaffirming Our Faith in the Hong Kong Economy


Reaffirming Our Faith in the Hong Kong Economy


Promoting Hong Kong’s Level of Internationalisation to New Heights


Promoting Hong Kong’s Level of Internationalisation to New Heights


香港經濟:「驚濤駭浪」的一季度GDP收縮4% 復蘇面臨諸多限制


特首難再躺贏 北都會新管治試點


港大:長期嚴格防疫礙港優勢 無法與國際通行 不利流動性吸人才

有意見指香港防疫政策嚴格,對國際金融從業員的吸引力下降。香港大學經管學院院長蔡洪濱接受本報訪問時不諱言,若果嚴格的防疫政策長期持續,會對香港非常不利。他表示,倘今年夏天之前情況仍未改善,當世界其他地區不太在意疫情,而香港還無法恢復與國際的正常通行,香港的相對位置將會非常困難。 蔡洪濱指出,大家被困在 ...

內循環難支撐經濟 轉型具挑戰

最新數據顯示,去年香港經濟在疫情陰霾下反彈,增長6.4%,但香港大學經管學院院長蔡洪濱表示,雖然經濟數據看上去還不錯,就業情況有所改善,但這些都是靠香港的「內循環」,包括市民的住宿度假(Staycation)以及到餐廳吃飯消費,無法長久,不相信香港能夠靠內循環來支撐持續發展,因此經濟轉型任務仍然艱巨 ...