Dr. Tingting FAN
从新冠肺炎疫情至今,香港电影院经历了一波关门大潮。截至2024年4月30日,累计16间戏院结业,其中包括UA连锁影院在2021年3月全线结业。这波关门大潮似乎还远未结束,上月12日MCL Cinema Plus+荷里活广场戏院宣布结业,而以播放小众电影知名的高先电影院,也传出将于租约期满后结束营业。
Prof. Hailiang CHEN
Prof. Shipeng YAN
数字化生活已经成为现代社会不可或缺的一部分,然而对于中国2.97亿60岁以上的长者来说,新技术能否让他们受益却仍然存疑。 尽管各界都在努力推动「智慧养老」,但现实是许多长者在跨越数字鸿沟时,遇到不少挑战。随着全球老龄化趋势加剧,如何确保庞大的银发族享受科技时代的便利,成为了亟待解决的社会问题。
Dr. Tingting FAN
Dr. Y. F. LUK
Prof. Hailiang CHEN
Prof. Shipeng YAN
Dr. Yifei ZHANG
Prof. Heiwai TANG
Prof. Vincent Peng ZHANG
Dr. Tuan Quang PHAN
Prof. Yi TANG
Navigating Our Polarized World: Professor Kian Siong Tey Decodes the Art of Agreeing to Disagree
Professor Kian Siong TEY, Assistant Professor in Management and Strategy
Professor Kian Siong Tey is acutely aware of how divided society has become. With people taking more extreme positions these days, it is ever-more challenging to find common ground, let alone a resolution. Possessing a double major degree in Psychology and Philosophy, Professor Tey understands the intricacies of human interactions and organizational behaviours. This fascination with polarizing tensions, arising from actual or perceived differences, has driven him to study conflicts using a variety of experimental methods and advanced text analysis tools.
Professor Sundara Panchanatham’s Journey of Empowering Change through Knowledge and Compassion for Better Lives
Professor Sundara Panchanatham, Assistant Professor in Innovation and Information Management
Public healthcare systems are often under scrutiny on how they cope with growing demand and evolving health needs. Professor Sundara Natarajan Panchanatham has been studying ways to make them more accessible, efficient and sustainable.
Putting Families First: Professor Naijia Guo Shines a Spotlight on Family Economics and Tackles Asia’s Fertility Concerns
Professor Naijia Guo, Assistant Professor in Economics
Professor Naijia Guo has extensively researched labour economics and family economics, with a particular focus on structural labour. Having grown up in Shenzhen, a Southern Chinese city instrumental to China’s reform and opening-up, she is especially interested to this research topic. There, Professor Guo witnessed rapid developments driven by an influx of labour which has created a unique immigrant culture.
Combatting Gender and Racial Bias in Organisation: Professor Soojin Oh’s Journey of Advocating Diversity and Inclusion
Professor Soojin Oh, Assistant Professor in Management and Strategy
Born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, Professor Soojin Oh aspires to use his knowledge to help combat gender and racial bias for underrepresented leaders. Impressed by the unique blend of cultures and identities within Hong Kong, Prof. Oh decided to embark on his journey to HKU Business School as an Assistant Professor in Management and Strategy.
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