Participating in the HKU-Accenture Business Consulting Programme
Participating in the HKU-Accenture Business Consulting Programme
Lily Choi, BBA(Law)&LLB
The Programme provided me with valuable insights into the consulting industry through formal and informal meetings with consultants at Accenture. The final case competition and my internship at Accenture presented challenges as well as chances for me to apply the skills I had attained throughout the Programme.
Semester Internship at UBS AG
Semester Internship at UBS AG
Julian Chu, BSc(QFin)
I took up a half-year internship at the investment banking division of UBS. It was one of the most fruitful internships I have had by far, during which I was given the opportunity to rotate between teams to support various M&A and capital market transactions. As a quantitative finance major, the curriculum in the University had prepared me for the technical challenges faced on the job, and its flexible study schedule was able to accommodate the gap semester I had to take.