Dr. Y. F. LUK
Honorary Associate Professor

3910 2310

KK 305

Time to Face the Impact of Climate Change

The article 《是時候正視氣候變化了 》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

Universal Basic Income

The article 《全民基本收入》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

From Trade War to Currency War?

The article 《從貿易戰到貨幣戰? 》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

World Trade Organization and Developing Country Status

The article 《世貿組織與發展中國家地位》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

The Rise of Populism

The article 《民粹主義的抬頭》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

Currency Manipulation and Trade War

The article 《貨幣操縱與貿易戰》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

Yield Curve Inversion and Economic Recession

The article 《收益率曲線與經濟衰退預測》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

The Inversion of Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy

The article 《貨幣政策與財政政策的顛倒》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」