Prof. Yang You wins 2023 Research Output Prize

Prof. Yang You wins 2023 Research Output Prize

Congratulations to Prof. Yang You, Assistant Professor in Finance, for winning the 2023 Research Output Prize for the paper “Redeemable platform currencies” published in The Review of Economic Studies. 

The paper shows that token issuers who provide redemption services have a natural tendency to limit token tradability. The private token issuers tend to implement price discrimination by limiting token exchanges among token holders and customizing token issuance policy by tracing users’ redemption data. Our paper suggest s regulations on platform token mechanism design and limiting data users’ transaction history data. Prof. Yang You contribute s to the theoretic al framework of platform tokens.

Research Output Prize is to identify and recognize the best research outputs in different Faculties. While other awards under the Outstanding Researcher Awards scheme assess the research achievements of individual scholars accumulated over a relatively long period (usually more than five years), the Research Output Prize accords recognition to and honours the author (or a team of authors) of a single item of research output published or created in the preceding calendar year. The emphasis of the Prize is therefore on an outstanding output item rather than on an individual researcher’s track record.

The paper can be accessed here.


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