Yanhui Wu
Prof. Yanhui WU
Management and Strategy
Associate Professor

3917 8508

KK 931

Are the cultural and creative industries blooming or languishing in Hong Kong?


With men of letters gone, how to retain rare talents in Hong Kong?


With men of letters gone, how to retain rare talents in Hong Kong?


Competition, Contracts, and Creativity: Evidence from Novel Writing in a Platform Market

A growing number of people today are participating in the gig economy, working as independent contractors on short-term projects. We study the effects of competition on gig workers’ effort and creativity on a Chinese novel-writing platform. Authors produce and sell their works chapter by chapter under a revenue-sharing or pay-by-the-word contract with the platform. Exploiting a regulation that induced a massive entry of novels in the romance genre but not other genres, we find that, on average, intensified competition led authors to produce content more quickly, whereas its effect on book novelty was weak. However, revenue-sharing books responded to competition substantially more than pay-by-the-word books, particularly regarding novelty. Moreover, the effect of competition on novelty is considerably stronger for books at earlier stages of the product life cycle. Finally, the platform increased the promotion of contracted books, which disproportionately favored pay-by-the-word books. We discuss the implications of these results for creative workers, platform firms, and policy makers in the gig economy.

Debunking Five Myths about the Hong Kong Economy


Debunking Five Myths about the Hong Kong Economy


Bullshit Jobs and Splendid Waste

開宗明義,這個俗得近乎粗鄙又雅得有點詩意的標題,不完全是筆者原創。《狗屁工作理論》(Bullshit Jobs: A Theory)是在2018年出版便迅速竄紅的社會科學書,內容痛斥當下歐美社會衍生出無數可有可無卻又報酬豐厚的狗屁工。作者是已故美國人類學者格雷伯(David Graeber),字裏行間怒氣沖天,不惜用上打手(goon)及幫閒(flunky)這些帶有羞辱性的詞彙。

Bullshit Jobs and Splendid Waste

開宗明義,這個俗得近乎粗鄙又雅得有點詩意的標題,不完全是筆者原創。《狗屁工作理論》(Bullshit Jobs: A Theory)是在2018年出版便迅速竄紅的社會科學書,內容痛斥當下歐美社會衍生出無數可有可無卻又報酬豐厚的狗屁工。作者是已故美國人類學者格雷伯(David Graeber),字裏行間怒氣沖天,不惜用上打手(goon)及幫閒(flunky)這些帶有羞辱性的詞彙。

Hong Kong needs more Resilience than Robustness
