Michael B. WONG
Prof. Michael B. WONG
Management and Strategy
Assistant Professor

3910 3086

KK 921

王柏林、何漢樑:加強富戶審查 劏房戶免受苦?


Opinion | Hong Kong Must Stop Letting the Well-off Hog Public Rental Housing

Prof. Michael Wong commented in a recent South China Morning Post SCMP article that the current situation is unsustainable unless there are system reforms to free up public resources such as raising rents for well-off tenants, tightening eligibility criteria, and refocusing on building more ownership units to help better-off tenants upgrade and vacate.


Due to the aforementioned socioeconomic issues faced by the city, among other reasons, hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong’s working-age population and their families have emigrated abroad. Simultaneously, hundreds of thousands of people, some attracted by the Hong Kong government’s ambitious talent programs, have arrived in Hong Kong in the past year. What are the implications of these population flows on the city’s labor force and talent pool? Dr. Alan Kwan, Prof. Heiwai Tang, and Dr. Michael B. Wong have analyzed LinkedIn profile data and government statistics to evaluate Hong Kong’s labor market and economic prospects.

A Quick Reform that Eliminates Subdivided Homes in Hong Kong

Hong Kong has been struggling with a surge in subdivided homes, leading to cramped and inhumane living conditions for its residents. While the government has proposed solutions like the Light Public Housing program, their implementation will be both time-consuming and expensive, resulting in long waiting times for public housing.

A Quick Reform that Eliminates Subdivided Homes in Hong Kong


Hong Kong’s Housing Challenges
