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編者按:上個世紀,香港憑藉自由港優勢,在大國狹縫中實現經濟騰飛。如今新冷戰襲來,香港遭美國制裁,關稅可能面臨調整,Made in Hong Kong的標籤也行將消失。香港製造還可以振興嗎?端傳媒深入三家香港企業,從產業角度透視香港問題。此項目端傳媒亦與日本放送協會(NHK)合作,為NHK提供調研、採訪和攝影,雙方根據素材獨立完成影片製作。NHK作品 The “Made in Hong Kong” Dilemma已於10月30日於NHK World頻道播出。
With neighbour Shenzhen poised to pull ahead, Hong Kong needs an economic transformation of its own: it must end its reliance on the financial industry. The city should focus on creating rewarding, good-paying jobs that benefit more than a few by upgrading its workforce and developing a new manufacturing sector based on science and technology.
Opinion piece by Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics.
The article 《香港第三次經濟轉型,還等什麼?》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」
Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics, was quoted by HK01.
Professor Heiwai Tang, Professor of Economics, was interviewed by HK01 about HK’s ranking as a free economy.
民粹主義近年在多國抬頭,與當前全球經濟和政治變局有密不可分的關係,若要分析國際政經發展,必先理解近年民粹主義冒起的原因。 隨着2008-09年全球金融風暴過後,民粹迅速在各地崛起。在美國,繼茶黨運動在2010年興起,特朗普隨後標榜「美國優先」而在2016年當選總統。此外,法國有右翼政黨國民陣線崛起,英國則有獨立黨在不同選舉中取得佳績;就連一向少受民粹運動影響的瑞典和德國,也漸見到民粹黨派興起。至於發展中國家,委內瑞拉總統查韋斯(Hugo Chavez),厄瓜多爾總統科雷拉(Rafael Correa)、玻利維亞總統莫拉萊斯(Evo Morales),均着眼於資源再分配政策;而極右翼民粹主義領袖,則包括巴西總統博爾索納羅(Jair Bolsonaro)和菲律賓總統杜特爾特(Rodrigo Duterte)。2016年英國公投後脫歐,以及2018年展開的中美貿易戰等,都在此形勢下產生,世界經濟與秩序亦相繼出現不穩定性。
The long-term rivalry between the US and China has since the election of President Trump manifested itself in the form of an economic conflict between the world’s greatest powers. With geopolitical flux now the new normal, Hong Kong citizens’ struggle to maintain their freedoms saw US politicians jump on the bandwagon in 2019; now the COVID-19 is the latest issue that both the US and China are dragging into the general trade war. Who has the upper hand?