Heiwai TANG
Prof. Heiwai TANG
Associate Dean (External Relations)
Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics
Director, Asia Global Institute
Director, APEC Study Center
Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy

3917 0029
3917 4388

MB 335/ KK 920

Forecast for Hong Kong’s Economy in Q3 2024

HKU Business School recently announced its forecast for Hong Kong's economy in Q3 2024. In an interview with Now News, Prof. Heiwai Tang, Associate Dean of HKU Business School and Director of Asia Global Institute, believes that investment and consumer confidence are key factors for economic recovery. "Affected by the wealth effect, due to the negative conditions in the stock and property markets, the public's investment and consumption confidence is naturally not high. In the long run, it will depend on the government's economic transformation policies over the next three years, which will provide new drivers of economic growth."

Aging Population Leads to Higher Saving Rates, China’s Economy Sees Potential Growth

China has achieved an annual GDP growth rate of over 8% for the past 45 years. It boasts an enormous domestic market, yet consumption accounts for only 39% of its GDP, one of the lowest ratios in the world nowadays. Can China maintain a growth rate of 6% or 7%? Prof. Heiwai Tang, Associate Dean of HKU Business School and Director of Asia Global Institute, believes China has the potential for economic growth, but it has now become very difficult due to concerns about aging populations and the desire to live to an advanced age, leading to high saving rates.

Non-Chinese Citizens in HK Can Apply for Mainland Travel Card


Hong Kong’s Next Stop – Multinational Supply Chain Management Centre


Hong Kong’s Next Stop – Multinational Supply Chain Management Centre

The HKSAR government is committed to developing the city into a multinational supply chain management centre to become a “super-connector”, bridging the Mainland enterprises and international market. Compared to other port cities in Asia, Hong Kong has significant competitive edges in the following three aspects:

港競爭力重上第五 星稱冠續拋離 經濟營商基建改善 政府效率稍降




A Comprehensive Approach to Boost Hong Kong’s Economy

In a recent media interview, Prof. Heiwai Tang, Associate Dean of HKU Business School and Director of Asia Global Institute suggested three long-term directions to revitalize Hong Kong's economy: firstly, develop high value-added industries; secondly, enhance Hong Kong’s role as a bridge between mainland China and global markets; thirdly, optimize policies for nurturing and attracting talent.

US-China Trade Tensions Escalate During the US Presidential Election

Will the US's new tariff-hike severely affect China's economy? Prof. Heiwai Tang, Associate Dean of the HKU Business School and Director of the Asia Global Institute commented in a recent interview with South China Morning Post SCMP that the US administration's tough stance towards China is obviously a strategic move during the election year. “The significant increase in US tariffs on Chinese EVs is more symbolic than having any substantial impact on China’s EV industry,” Prof. Tang shared.