港大經管學院助理教授黨矗(Ivy Dang)早前針對網戀平台的偏好差異進行研究,發現執着於「夢中情人」的理想條件,可能讓用戶錯失真正合適的伴侶。她亦指出,過多的個人訊息並不一定有助於配對成功,反而可能導致用戶過早篩選潛在對象,降低配對機會。

- Ph.D. in Marketing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- M.S. in Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- B.S. in Applied Physics, Beijing Jiaotong University
Professor Chu (Ivy) Dang’s research focuses on the economics of information in the domain of quantitative marketing. She studies how consumers search for information, how information influences their choices and the information provision strategies of firms. Her interests also extend to social media marketing. She explores the effects of both Marketer-Generated Content (MGC) and User-Generated Content (UGC). She also studies emerging trends in live-commerce and influencer marketing. In her spare time, Professor Dang enjoys running, hiking and playing with her little one.
- Social Media Marketing
- Introduction to Marketing
- Quantitative Marketing
- Economics of Information
- Consumer Search
- Social Media
- Influencer Marketing
- Shen, Hongchuan, Chu (Ivy) Dang, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang (2024), “Mr. Right or Mr. Best: The Role of Information Under Preference Mismatch in Online Dating,” Information Systems Research, 35 (4), 2013-2029. https://doi.org/10.1287/isre.2022.0233
- Hu, Mantian, Chu (Ivy) Dang, and Pradeep K. Chintagunta (2019), “Search and Learning at a Daily Deals Website,” Marketing Science, 38 (4), 609-642. https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.2019.1156
- Dang, Chu (Ivy) (2017), “Network-Based Targeting: Big Data Application in Mobile Industry,” Big Data Applications in the Telecommunications Industry, IGI Global, 78-107. (Book Chapter)
Selected working papers:
- “Going Back to Move Forward? How Search Revisits on a Website We Built, and in Field Data, Inform Us about Search Outcomes” (with Raluca Ursu and Pradeep Chintagunta)
- “Quantifying the Effect of Visual and Content Features on Social Media Engagement with MGC” (with Canice Kwan, Yang Shi and Jayson Jia)
- “Product Search, Sourcing and Curation in Live-Commerce: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment” (with Jialu Liu)
- “Privacy Preferences in Internet Lending” (with Tesary Lin, Mandy Hu, and Pradeep Chintagunta)
- PI, General Research Fund, #17506824, Hong Kong RGC
- PI, Early Career Scheme #27504221, Hong Kong RGC
- PI, Basic Research Fund, HKU Business School Shenzhen Research Institutes
- PI, Seed Fund for Research, HKU
黨博士在大學主修應用物理學,畢業後以博士生的身份在香港研究量子物理學。因緣際會下,她發現自己真正的興趣所在—計量市場學。 2020年2月,黨博士以市場學助理教授的身份加入香港大學經管學院。理科出身的她希望將自然科學中的數理模型和歸納推理方法應用到教學和研究中,為商學教育和發展做出自己的貢獻。
As coronavirus rages across the globe, online business is still booming, with data and analytics driving this trend. People now marooned at home for the foreseeable future are finding the daily goods they need from online stores, solace in conferencing apps, and entertainment provided by streaming platforms. The world is revolving increasingly online with lockdowns in place, and data is being even further highlighted as an undisputable source of wealth.