Chu (Ivy) Dang
Prof. Chu (Ivy) DANG
Assistant Professor

3917 1614

KK 709

Academic & Professional Qualification
  • Ph.D. M.S., Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • B.S., Beijing Jiaotong University

Chu (Ivy) Dang’s research focuses on the economics of information in the domain of quantitative marketing. She studies how consumers search for information, how information influences their choices and the information provision strategies of firms. Her interests also extend to digital and social media marketing.

Ivy joined The University of Hong Kong in 2020, after receiving her Ph.D. in marketing from CUHK Business School. She also holds a M.S. in economics from Chinese University of Hong Kong and a B.S. in applied physics from Beijing Jiaotong University. In her spare time, Ivy enjoys running, hiking and online surfing.

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Introduction to Marketing
Research Interest
  • Quantitative Marketing
  • Empirical Industrial Organization
  • Economics of Information
  • Consumer Search
  • Matching Platforms
  • Digital and Social Media Marketing
Selected Publications
  • Shen, Hongchuan, Chu (Ivy) Dang, and Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang (2024), “Mr. Right or Mr. Best: The Role of Information Under Preference Mismatch in Online Dating,” Information Systems Research, forthcoming. 
  • Hu, Mantian, Chu (Ivy) Dang, and Pradeep K. Chintagunta (2019), “Search and Learning at a Daily Deals Website,” Marketing Science, 38 (4), 609-642.
  • Dang, Chu (Ivy) (2017), “Network-Based Targeting: Big Data Application in Mobile Industry,” Big Data Applications in the Telecommunications Industry, IGI Global, 78-107. (Book Chapter)

Working papers:

  • “Search Revisits” (with Raluca Ursu and Pradeep Chintagunta)
  • “Privacy Preferences in Microloan Applications” (with Tesary Lin, Mandy Hu, and Pradeep Chintagunta)
  • “Mr. Right or Mr. Best: Search and Matching in Online Dating” (with Hongchuan Shen and Michael X. Zhang)
  • “Picture or Text Superiority? The Impact of Element Size on Communication Effectiveness” (with Canice Kwan and Yang Shi)
Major Grants
  • Principal Investigator, Early Career Scheme #27504221 (HK$674,658), Research Grant Council of Hong Kong
  • Principal Investigator, Seed Fund for Research (HK$300,000), University of Hong Kong
Recent Publications



黨博士在大學主修應用物理學,畢業後以博士生的身份在香港研究量子物理學。因緣際會下,她發現自己真正的興趣所在—計量市場學。 2020年2月,黨博士以市場學助理教授的身份加入香港大學經管學院。理科出身的她希望將自然科學中的數理模型和歸納推理方法應用到教學和研究中,為商學教育和發展做出自己的貢獻。

A brave new world for marketing

As coronavirus rages across the globe, online business is still booming, with data and analytics driving this trend. People now marooned at home for the foreseeable future are finding the daily goods they need from online stores, solace in conferencing apps, and entertainment provided by streaming platforms. The world is revolving increasingly online with lockdowns in place, and data is being even further highlighted as an undisputable source of wealth.