Zhiwu Chen
Prof. Zhiwu CHEN
Chair Professor of Finance
Cheng Yu-Tung Professor in Finance
Director, Centre for Quantitative History
Director, Hong Kong Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences
HKU Council Member

3910 3079 / 3917 1271

KK 1338

Default expectations for China Evergrande rise as a payment deadline looms.

Shares of China Evergrande, the troubled real estate giant whose fate has contributed to jitters in global markets, fell again on Tuesday amid a new prediction that it would soon default.

Collapse in faith: Behind Chinese firm Evergrande’s cash crunch

Anxious investors, employees and suppliers describe a scramble inside teetering Chinese property giant Evergrande, in a crisis that has shaken public trust as it struggles to tide over a liquidity crunch.

Why China’s economy is threatened by a property giant’s debt problems

Every once in a while a company grows so big and messy that governments fear what would happen to the broader economy if it were to fail. In China, Evergrande, a sprawling real estate developer, is that company.

80後富豪也退休 內捲化失創新動力


Broken Bonds

A whistleblower from one of China’s most powerful banks says its shady dealings highlight how Hong Kong’s financial system is increasingly at the mercy of Beijing.

HSBC Asia Pivot Stokes Tension Between Hong Kong, London Bankers

HSBC Holdings Plc is shipping senior executives from its London headquarters to Hong Kong to seal a pivot by Europe’s largest lender to Asia. The moves are also stoking some discontent. Already smarting from a cut to the bonus pool after losses in Europe, some senior executives in Greater China worry their push into the world’s second-largest economy could be slowed by added bureaucracy and blurred reporting lines, according to people familiar with the discussions who asked to remain anonymous discussing a sensitive issue.

反垄断铁拳出击 科网巨头国进民退


What the incoming Biden Administration could mean US-China relations

Zhiwu Chen, director of the Asia Global Institute, shares his views on what the incoming Biden administration could mean for US-China relations and the trend of secondary listings of Chinese companies in Hong Kong at Bloomberg Markets: China Open Full Show.

How China Lost Patience With Jack Ma, Its Loudest Billionaire

“It is not new that the party regulates everything, including private businesses and especially private financial businesses, as this had been … explicitly stated in China’s constitution,” says Zhiwu Chen, a finance professor and director of the Asia Global Institute at the University of Hong Kong. “But many private businessmen did not take this seriously. The recent Ant episode was a wake-up call.”