数字化生活已经成为现代社会不可或缺的一部分,然而对于中国2.97亿60岁以上的长者来说,新技术能否让他们受益却仍然存疑。 尽管各界都在努力推动「智慧养老」,但现实是许多长者在跨越数字鸿沟时,遇到不少挑战。随着全球老龄化趋势加剧,如何确保庞大的银发族享受科技时代的便利,成为了亟待解决的社会问题。

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Dr. Shipeng YAN is a management scholar with a sociological orientation and a scholarly interest in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues as well as the broader political economy from an organization theory perspective. His studies have been published in prestigious management journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, and Journal of International Business Studies. He also serves as a deputy editor for the journal Organization & Environment and as a senior editor for the journal Management and Organization Review.
Corporate social responsibility, City University of Hong Kong. 2020 - PhD
Organization theory, City University of Hong Kong. 2020-2021
Institutions and teams, Tilburg University. 2017-2018 - Master
Reinventing management in global capitalism, University of Hong Kong. 2021-
Societal institutions and development, Tilburg University. 2016-2018 - Undergraduate
Strategic management, University of Hong Kong. 2021-
Strategic management, City University of Hong Kong. 2018-2020
Strategic decision making, Tilburg University. 2016-2018 - Corporate social responsibility, City University of Hong Kong. 2018-2020
- Corporate social responsibility, Tilburg University. 2016-2018
- ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues
- Political economy
- Organization theory
- Cai Yishu, Yue Qingyuan (Lori), Lin Fangwen, Yan Shipeng, Yang Haibin (equal contribution). Forthcoming. “Hedging against the risk of democratic transition: Corporate philanthropy after the Sunflower Movement in Taiwan”. Administrative Science Quarterly.
- Maksimov Vladislav, Wang Stephanie, Yan Shipeng (equal contribution). 2022. “Global connectedness and dynamic green capabilities in MNEs”. Journal of International Business Studies, 53(4): 723-740
- Yan Shipeng, Almandoz Juan (John), Ferraro Fabrizio. 2021. “The Impact of Logic (In)Compatibility: Green Investing, State Policy, and Corporate Environmental Performance”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(4): 903-944
- Yan Shipeng. 2020. “A double-edged sword: Diversity within religion and market emergence”. Organization Science, 31(3): 535-795
- Yan Shipeng, Ferraro Fabrizio, Almandoz Juan (John). 2019. “The rise of socially responsible investment funds: The paradoxical role of the financial logic”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(2): 466–501
- Fu Jiawei, Yan Shipeng. Forthcoming. “How Do New Forms of Organizations Manage Institutional Voids? Social Enterprises’ Quest for Sociopolitical Legitimacy”. Business & Society.
- Zhang, Ze, Yan Shipeng. 2023. “Air pollution and investors’ behavior: A review of recent literature.” The Routledge Handbook of Green Finance: 542–562. London and New York: Routledge.
- Yan, Shipeng, Ferraro Fabrizio. 2016. “State mediation in market emergence: Socially responsible investing in China”. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vol. 48B: 173–206. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Bose Indranil, Yan Shipeng. 2011. “The green potential of RFID projects: A case-based analysis”. IT Professional, 13(1).
- Emerging Scholar Award, ONE Division, Academy of Management, 2023
- Dean’s Research Excellence Award, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong, 2021
- Finalist, Outstanding Research Award for Junior Faculty, City University of Hong Kong, 2020
- IESE Alumni Research Prize for Best Published Paper, 2019
- 2021-now: Member, Staff Student Consultation Committee, Master of Global Management, The University of Hong Kong
- 2019-2021: Program Leader, MSc Organizational Management, City University of Hong Kong
- 2021-2023: Communications Chair, Organization and Management Theory Division, Academy of Management
- 2019-now: Mentor, Doctoral Consortium, Organization and Management Theory Division, Academy of Management
- 2019-now: Editorial review board, Organization & Environment
- 2021-now: Editorial review board, Management and Organization Review
环境、社会及管治(Environmental, Social, and Governance,简称ESG)近年好似雨后春笋般,已经无处不在。当众人还分不清这3个字母顺序的时候,ESG早已牵动无数跨国公司的重大决策,也深刻影响各国政府的监管决定。
环境、社会及管治(Environmental, Social, and Governance,简称ESG)近年好似雨后春笋般,已经无处不在。当众人还分不清这3个字母顺序的时候,ESG早已牵动无数跨国公司的重大决策,也深刻影响各国政府的监管决定。
环境保护一直普遍被视为国家的责任,但在金融业界,其实早已出现如绿色投资等以市场为基础的解决方案。目前鲜有研究去分析绿色投资会否影响企业环境绩效,以及国家政策如何调节这个影响。 我们以制度逻辑的角度,透过探索促使逻辑和实践相容的因素,来拓展制度复杂性的研究。我们的理论是, 作为一种以金融为手段和以环境保护为目标的新型混合实践模式,绿色投资的成功取决于这种混合能否被合理化。绿色投资的合理性,很可能会被其他混合实践模式所影响。 是次研究分析了来自20个国家,共3,706间企业在2002年至2013年间的面板数据。研究发现每个国家的绿色投资规模会促进企业层面的环境绩效。然而,若这个国家有强而有力的环保政策,会削弱绿色投资与企业环境绩效之间的正向关系。这个国家若有强大的股东保护政策,则会加强这种关系。我们致力研究制度的复杂性、逻辑相容和公私营合作,以达至最佳社会利益。