
笔者三个月前在本栏撰文 ,倡议「化西入中」的港式教育,吸引中国内地学生来港求学,从而促进香港和内地的人才流动,助推粤港澳大湾区经济融合。业界一些朋友看了此文,颇感兴趣,致电商讨。一位朋友特别前来香港大学,跟笔者探讨教育和人才问题。寒暄几句后,他便单刀直入:「你提出的观点,无非是把香港当作内地人才加工的基地,然后走内销的道路。这对你们搞教育的当然是一盘好生意,但对香港又有什么『着数』呢?」此问乍听突兀,细想却值得思辨一番。
笔者三个月前在本栏撰文 ,倡议「化西入中」的港式教育,吸引中国内地学生来港求学,从而促进香港和内地的人才流动,助推粤港澳大湾区经济融合。业界一些朋友看了此文,颇感兴趣,致电商讨。一位朋友特别前来香港大学,跟笔者探讨教育和人才问题。寒暄几句后,他便单刀直入:「你提出的观点,无非是把香港当作内地人才加工的基地,然后走内销的道路。这对你们搞教育的当然是一盘好生意,但对香港又有什么『着数』呢?」此问乍听突兀,细想却值得思辨一番。
This article addresses the challenges in classifying textual data obtained from open online platforms, which are vulnerable to distortion. Most existing classification methods minimize the overall classification error and may yield an undesirably large Type I error (relevant textual messages are classified as irrelevant), particularly when available data exhibit an asymmetry between relevant and irrelevant information. Data distortion exacerbates this situation and often leads to fallacious prediction. To deal with inestimable data distortion, we propose the use of the Neyman–Pearson (NP) classification paradigm, which minimizes Type II error under a user-specified Type I error constraint. Theoretically, we show that the NP oracle is unaffected by data distortion when the class conditional distributions remain the same. Empirically, we study a case of classifying posts about worker strikes obtained from a leading Chinese microblogging platform, which are frequently prone to extensive, unpredictable and inestimable censorship. We demonstrate that, even though the training and test data are susceptible to different distortion and therefore potentially follow different distributions, our proposed NP methods control the Type I error on test data at the targeted level. The methods and implementation pipeline proposed in our case study are applicable to many other problems involving data distortion. Supplementary materials for this article, including a standardized description of the materials available for reproducing the work, are available as an online supplement.