Prof. Fabrice LUMINEAU

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KK 1233


Fabrice Lumineau is a Professor in Strategic Management at HKU Business School, The University of Hong Kong.

His research investigates inter-organizational partnerships, the interplay between contract and trust in collaborative strategies, opportunism and ethical issues, and blockchain governance. He has published more than 30 articles in the top management journals, such as Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, Organization Studies, Research Policy, and Strategic Management Journal.

Prof. Lumineau serves as an associate editor at the Journal of Management and on the editorial board of Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, and Strategic Organization. He is an elected member of the AOM’s STR – Strategic Management Executive Committee and has served as the Program Chair of the Cooperative Strategies Interest Group at the Strategic Management Society.

He has received a number of scholarly awards such as the Best Paper Award from the Business Policy and Strategy division and the Most Influential Article Award from the Conflict Management division at the Academy of Management Conference, the Discovery Early Career Research Award from the Australian Research Council, and the Jay Ross Faculty Scholar Award at Purdue University.

So far, Prof. Lumineau has taught in six main fields and has received numerous teaching recognitions: Inter-Organizational Relationships and Partnerships (Ph.D. and MSc levels); Psycho-Cognitive Foundations of Strategy (Ph.D. level); Strategic Management (MBA, Executive MBA, MSc, and BBA levels); International Strategy (MBA, Weekend MBA, MSc, and BBA levels); Channel Management (MBA and BBA levels); and programs in executive education. In 2017, Prof. Lumineau was chosen by Poets & Quants as one of the “40 Under 40 Most Outstanding Business School Professors.”

Prof. Lumineau has lived in France, the USA, Germany, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, and China. Prior to receiving his PhD from HEC Paris, he worked as a project manager in the insurance and investment banking industries.

  • Strategic Management
  • Global Strategy
  • Alliances & Partnerships
Research Interest
  • Inter-Organizational Partnerships
  • Contracting
  • Trust
  • Blockchain Governance
  • Cooperative Strategy
Selected Publications
Awards and Honours
  • 2024    Doris Zimmern HKU–Cambridge Hughes Hall Fellowships
  • 2023    Outstanding ERB Reviewer Award – Organization Science
  • 2021    Journal of Supply Chain Management’s Harold E. Fearon Best Paper Award
  • 2019    Conflict Management Division’s Most Influential Article Award – Academy of Management
  • 2019    Journal of Operations Management’s Ambassador Award
  • 2019    Finalist for the International Management Division Best Paper Award – Academy of Management
  • 2019    Blake Ethics Research Grant – Purdue University
  • 2017    40 Under 40 Most Outstanding Business School Professors – Poets & Quants
  • 2017    University Faculty Scholar for outstanding mid-career faculty – Purdue University
  • 2016    Jay Ross Faculty Scholar Award – Purdue University
  • 2016    Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation’s Best Paper Award
  • 2014    Honorary Member – Pi Delta Phi, Purdue University
  • 2013    Finalist for the Emerald Best International Symposium Award – Academy of Management
  • 2013    Nominated for the Practice Implications Award – Strategic Management Society
  • 2012    Discovery Early Career Research Award – Australian Research Council
  • 2011    Nominated for the Best Conference Paper Award – Strategic Management Society
  • 2011    Nominated for the Practice Implications Award – Strategic Management Society
  • 2011    Finalist for the Early Career Research Excellence Award – University of Technology Sydney
  • 2009    Distinguished Paper Award – BPS Division – Academy of Management
  • 2009    Nominated for the Carolyn Dexter Award – Academy of Management
  • 2008    Nominated for the HEC Foundation Best Dissertation Award
Recent Publications

先前关于角色一致性理论的文献主要围绕基于人口统计学的期望展开。此文献多聚焦与不同角色的规范性期望不匹配而导致的角色不一致性。在本研究中,作者不再传统地关注角色之间的不一致性,而是探索了另一种的角色不一致性来源,即基于职能期望的内部角色不一致性是如何被语言表达所触发的。通过对2003年至2018年中的7649笔合同债务以及公司电话会议记录的分析, 作者发现当财务总监(CFO)的语言表达与针对其职能期望不一致时,银行会采用更多的债务合同契约条款。作者认为这是因为CFO的职能角色不协调会令银行感知到更多的风险。此外,通过调查相应公司首席执行官(CEO)语言表达和媒体舆情的调节效应,我们展示了社会背景和对公司的舆情是如何影响这种负面的不一致性效应。我们从理论层面讨论了角色不一致性来源和合同设计前因之前的关系,为未来的相关研究提供参考。

The Role of Communication Style in Adaptation to Interorganizational Project Disruptions

Interorganizational projects often suffer disruptions that require participating organizations to adapt in order to restore project operations. We study the role of communication style in facilitating adaptation to such disruptions. Whereas the literature on interorganizational communication has emphasized communication mode and frequency, we study the content and features of written communication in seven U.K. construction projects. Communication style mattered for adaptation quality in these projects, and we found that several properties of communication style were particularly important for adaptation: cost and information orientation, as well as informality, precision and authenticity. Moreover, managerial slack and organizational reputation were important precursors of communication style. These results provide novel insights into the role of communication style in adaptation to interorganizational project disruptions. We discuss the implications of these insights for research on interorganizational projects in operations and supply chain management.

穷毕生精力推动管理学的变革 – 法布里斯·卢米诺教授
