从新冠肺炎疫情至今,香港电影院经历了一波关门大潮。截至2024年4月30日,累计16间戏院结业,其中包括UA连锁影院在2021年3月全线结业。这波关门大潮似乎还远未结束,上月12日MCL Cinema Plus+荷里活广场戏院宣布结业,而以播放小众电影知名的高先电影院,也传出将于租约期满后结束营业。

- Ph.D. in Marketing, Stern School of Business, New York University
- M.S. in Economics, Peking University
- B.S. in Business, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
Dr. Tingting Fan is interested in using big data and econometrics to address marketing strategies, including digital marketing, product innovations, and branding. Her research has been published in top marketing journals and book chapters. Her research also appeared in business journals, including the Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, Ming Pao Daily News, and Ta Kung Pao. Dr. Fan has been awarded research funds from Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative, Marketing Science Institute, and Hong Kong Research Council.
Dr. Fan has been an excellent educator. She was the first and youngest professor to win the most prestige teaching award of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), University Education Award, which only awards two to three faculty at CUHK each year. She also represent CUHK to be nominated for the 2018 UGC Teaching Award. She also won Faculty Teaching Excellence Award at the CUHK Business School and Teaching Excellence Reward at Stern School of Business, New York University.
- Strategic Marketing Management (MBA core)
- New Product Management
- Digital Marketing
- Big Data
- New Products
- Innovation
- Brand Strategy
- Consumer Finance
- Marketing in China
- Marketing Analytics
- Marketing Strategy
- Quantitative Marketing
- Social Media and Advertising
- Fan, Tingting, Leilei Gao, and Yael Steinhart (2020), “The Small Predicts Large Effect in Crowdfunding”, Journal of Consumer Research, 47 (4), 544-65.
– Featured at Wall Street Journal special report (Oct. 2020), Harvard Business Review, Hong Kong Economic Times, Ming Pao Daily News, Ta Kung Pao, and CUHK China Business Knowledge. - Fan, Tingting, Peter N. Golder, and Donald R. Lehmann, “New Product Research,” Russell Winer and Scott A. Neslin (Eds), History of Marketing Science (2nd edition), forthcoming.
- Fan, Tingting, Peter N. Golder, and Donald R. Lehmann (2017), “Innovation and New Product Research: A State-of-the-Art Review and Future Research Directions,” Berend Wierenga and Ralf van der Lans (Eds), Handbook of Marketing Decision Models: Springer.
- Fan, Tingting, Peter N. Golder, and Eitan Muller (2015), “Dynamics of Multi-Feature Product Usage: Carryover, Spillover, and Social Effects,” Marketing Science Institute Report, 14-118.
- CUHK University Education Award (The Chinese University of Hong Kong’s most prestigious teaching award), 2018
- CUHK Business School Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (CUHK Business School’s most prestigious teaching award), 2018
- Business School Teaching Merit Award, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
- Teaching Excellence Award, Stern School of Business, New York University, 2011
- BSc in Marketing Analytics and Technology Deputy Programme Director
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从新闻媒体到社交平台,从科技达人到在校学生,铺天盖地的话题都聚焦于ChatGPT。激动之余,大家不禁开始担忧,机器都能聊天了,还要人来做什么? ChatGPT可以编写程式,科技部门是不是要解散? ChatGPT可以写文章,作家、编辑会否饭碗不保? ChatGPT看来无所不晓,那么孩子还须上学么?