Stephen Y CHIU
Dr. Stephen Y CHIU
Honorary Associate Professor

3917 1026

KK 306

Economic analysis on the history of witch trials

英語詞witch hunt原本是指對巫師的追捕,今天在英語世界使用時,則用上它的引伸義,指專制政府、有權勢者或政要對異見者的政治迫害。美國總統特朗普去年就把民主黨對他的彈劾調查,以及前任官員對他不利的爆料,稱為witch hunt。前些時候南韓新天地教會的發言人抱怨,他們的信眾作為新型冠狀病毒的受害者,卻被視為傳播病毒的禍首,英文媒體轉述他的發言時,就用上witch hunt這個詞(不知發言人原本用的是韓語還是英語!)。

WARS might end but not the damage of banning free speech


Simple solutions to serious problems


The significance of the 2019 Hong Kong protests

The article 《2019香港抗爭的意義》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

Easy to suppress rioters, difficult to gain people’s trust

The article 《「暴民」易除 民心難挽 》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

How the Patriotic Youth is Developed and the Impact of Internet to them

The article 《愛國青年是怎樣煉成的和互聯網對他們的影響》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

Civil resistance works better than violent protests

The article 《非暴力抗爭比暴力抗爭有效》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

Who is going to be helpless and suffered severely?

The article 《誰焦頭爛額? 誰束手無策?》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」

Reflections on Anti-extradition Movement

The article 《對反修例運動的一些思考》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「龍虎山下」