- PhD: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Master: Nanjing University
- Bachelor: Nanjing University
Yi Tang currently is an Associate Professor (with tenure) in Strategy in the Department of Management, HKU Business School. Yi Tang received his PhD from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2009. Dr. Tang’s research and teaching interests reside in the areas of strategic leadership, firm innovation, corporate social responsibility, and interfirm social networks. His research output has been published in leading management journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, among others.
Dr. Tang currently sits on the editorial boards of Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Management, and Journal of Management Studies. He was also a guest editor for special issues for Journal of Management Studies, Long Range Planning, and Family Business Review. Dr. Tang is an active member of Academy of Management (AOM) and Strategic Management Society (SMS). Dr. Tang has taught Strategic Management and its related subjects for the PhD, DBA, MBA, MSc, and Undergraduate levels.
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, International Business, Organization Theory
Strategic Leadership; Corporate Social Responsibility; Entrepreneurship and Firm Innovation; Social Networks within and across Firms
- Chen, Y., Fu, R., Tang, Y., & Zhao, X. (equal contribution) CEOs’ Pre-career Exposure to Religion and Corporate Tax Avoidance. Journal of Management Studies, forthcoming.
- Kowalzick, M., Ahrens, J., Lauterbach, J., Tang, Y. 2024. Overconfident CEOs in Dire Straits: How Incumbent and Successor CEOs’ Overconfidence Affects Firm Turnaround Performance. Journal of Management Studies, 61(5): 1985-2032.
- Gu, F., Leung, F., Wang, D.T., &Tang, Y. 2024. Navigating the Double-Edged Sword: Executive hubris and its impact on customer acquisition and retention. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 41(2): 362-382.
- Weng, D., & Tang, Y. 2024. How Do Status Differentials Affect the Unplanned Dissolution of Alliances? Journal of Management Studies, 61(4): 1590-1617.
- Ren, S., Sun, H., & Tang, Y. 2023. CEO’s Hometown Identity and Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Management, 49(7): 2455–2489.
- Burkhard, B., Grichnik, D., Foss, N., Hodgkinson, G., Sarala, R., Tang, Y., & van Essen, M. (equal contribution) 2023. Heuristics and Biases of Top Managers: Past, Present, and Prospect. Journal of Management Studies, 60(5): 1033-1063.
- Xu, Z., Tang, Y., & Liu, Z. 2023. Buddhist Entrepreneurs, Managerial Attention Allocation, and New Ventures’ Access to External Resources. Journal of Management Studies, 60(2): 454-494.
- Chen, G., Luo, S., Tang, Y., & Tong, J. (equal contribution) 2023. Back to School: CEOs’ pre-career exposure to religion, firm risk-taking, and innovation. Journal of Management, 49(3): 881-912.
- Ouyang, B., Tang, Y., Wang, C., & Zhou, J. (equal contribution) 2022.No-fly zone in the loan office: How CEO risky hobbies affect credit stakeholders’ evaluation of the firm. Organization Science, 33(1): 414-430.
- Fu, R., Tang, Y., & Chen, G. 2020. Chief sustainability officers and corporate social (Ir)responsibility. Strategic Management Journal, 41(4): 656-680.
- Tang, Y., Mack, D., & Chen, G. (equal contribution) 2018. The differential effects of CEO narcissism and CEO hubris on corporate social responsibility. Strategic Management Journal, 39(5): 1370-1387.
- Chen, G., Luo, S., Tang, Y., & Tong, Y. (equal contribution) 2015. Passing probation: Earnings management by interim CEOs and its effect on their promotion prospects. Academy of Management Journal, 58(5): 1389-1418.
- Tang, Y., Li, J., & Yang, H. 2015. What I see, what I do: How executive hubris affects firm innovation. Journal of Management, 41(6): 1698-1723.
- Tang, Y., Qian, C., Chen, G., & Shen, R. (equal contribution) 2015. How CEO hubris affects corporate social (Ir)responsibility. Strategic Management Journal, 36(9): 1338-1357.
- Tang, Y., & Wezel, F. (equal contribution) 2015. Up to standard? Market positioning and performance of Hong Kong films, 1975-1997. Journal of Business Venturing, 30(3): 452-466.
- Shen, R., Tang, Y., & Chen, G. (equal contribution) 2014. When the role fits: How firm status differentials affect corporate takeovers. Strategic Management Journal, 35(13): 2012-2030.
- Li, J., & Tang, Y. 2010. CEO hubris and firm risk taking in China: The moderating role of managerial discretion. Academy of Management Journal, 53(1): 45-68.
Academy of Management (AOM)
Strategic Management Society (SMS)
International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR)
Long Range Planning, Special issue on “Emotion in the Strategic Management of Family Business”, Deadline: Dec 31, 2010
Journal of Management Studies, Special issue on “Biases and Heuristics of Top Managers”, Deadline: Feb 29, 2020
Family Business Review, Special issue on “Psychological Foundation in Family Business”, Deadline: Feb 28, 2019
Organization Science, since 2023
Journal of Management, since 2020
Strategic Management Journal, since 2014
d. AD HOC REVIEWS (partial list)
Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Venturing
Departmental Executive Committee, 2018-2019, Hong Kong Baptist University
Departmental Search Committee, 2017-2019, Hong Kong Baptist University
Departmental Staffing Committee, 2013-2017, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
目前的研究大多专注于企业行政人员的职业相关资历。然而,他们的工余活动其实也能带来启示。以首席执行官驾驶私人飞机这项高风险嗜好作为新的考量因素,此研究借银行贷款合同的情况探讨信贷利益相关者就首席执行官的高风险嗜好对企业评价的影响。研究利用于1993年至2010年,就多个行业的美国大型上市机构首席执行官所获得的数据,发现以驾驶私人飞机为嗜好的首席执行官所领导的企业在申请银行贷款时,无论是要取得担保、订立更多契约,还是获得银团贷款,往往都会产生更高的贷款成本。这主要是因为银行认为此等企业的违约风险较高,而首席执行官在企业扮演越重要的角色,及/或他在决策方面有更大的控制权时,情况尤甚。配合实地采访和实验,我们的研究结果对于使用不同设计的内生变量检查(如Heckman 两阶段模型、倾向性评分匹配法、双重差分模型,以及干扰变量的影响阈值等)的稳健性相当重要。
How will a chief sustainability officer (CSO) influence corporate social performance? Building upon the upper echelons perspective and the attention‐based view, this study argues that while a CSO helps channel managerial attention to a firm's social domain, managerial attention is more likely to be directed to negative issues than to positive issues. In addition, such relationships are contingent on the focal firm's governance design and its industry culpability. Analysis of a sample of S&P 500 firms for the period of 2005–2014 largely renders support to our predictions.