我们的研究显示,企业管理层倾向以不按比例的方式,汇报略高于以十进制作为单位的总收入(例如 1,000 万、3,000 万、10 亿),并审视这种行为的动机和后果。聚焦研究以十进制表述收入有其重要之处,原因是尽管这种做法在高管薪酬合同、分析师预测和管理预测的目标收入设定中十分普遍,但过去从未有这方面的研究。我们的研究亦指出,实现这些目标的压力为以十进制单位来汇报收入的做法提供了一种解释。然而,这些激励效应并不能提供完整的解释,因为即使没有这些明确的目标,仍会以十进制单位作为达标门槛。我们进一步发现,当公司首次达到以十进制单位的门槛时,不论有否达到其他目标,其新闻报导篇幅、机构持份、流动性和分析师关注度都会有所增加。这些结果表明,管理层会为了提高公司的整体知名度来达成以十进制作为单位的目标。总体而言,研究显示了对本质上没有经济意义的十进制数字的偏好,并对市场参与者的行为具有可衡量的影响。这些研究结果为以往尚未探索过的一系列管理目标敞开了大门。

3917 1532
KK 1202
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kenan-Flagler Business School
Ph.D., Business Administration (Accounting) – 2011
Brigham Young University, Marriott School of Management
B.S. in Accounting, Minor: Economics – 2006
Professor Derrald Stice joined the HKU Business School in July 2019. Previous to joining HKU, Derrald was a professor in the accounting department at HKUST for eight years. Derrald’s main research expertise relates to how accounting is used in the capital markets, with a particular emphasis on the debt markets. His research has been published in top accounting and finance journals and has been cited in The Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg. He has presented his research at many universities in many countries around the world. In addition to his research focus, Derrald has taught various graduate courses in accounting in Hong Kong, China, Saudi Arabia, and Russia and has provided corporate training for employees at Goldman Sachs.
Financial and Managerial Accounting – Undergraduate, Master’s, and MBA Levels
The use of accounting as a source of information in capital markets, with a particular emphasis on the debt markets. Areas of interest: debt contracting, debt covenants, auditing, financial analysts, and media.
- “H-1B Visas and Wages in Accounting: Evidence from Big 4 Payroll and the Ethics of H-1B Visas”. Journal of Business Ethics (2024), Forthcoming (with Thomas Bourveau, Han Stice and Roger White).
- “Audit Partner Style and Financial Statement Comparability: New Evidence from the U.S. Market” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (2024), 51 (9-10): 2763-2790, (with Tracie Frost, Chris He, Xin Luo).
- “Strategic Alliances and Lending Relationships” The Accounting Review (2024) 99 (5): 307–332 (with Urooj Khan, Vincent Li, Zhiming Ma).
- “Firm Innovation and Covenant Tightness” Review of Accounting Studies (2024) 29: 151-193 (with Zhiming Ma, Kirill Novoselov, Yue Zhang).
- “The Association Between Stock Liquidity and Audit Pricing” AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory (2023) 42(2): 53-74 (with John Campbell, Jon Duchac, Wei Shi).
- “The Power of Numbers: Base-Ten Threshold Effects in Reported Revenue” Contemporary Accounting Research (2022) 39: 2903-2940 (with Earl K. Stice, Han Stice, Lorien Stice-Lawrence).
- “The Effect of Individual Auditor Quality on Audit Outcomes: Opening the Black Box of Audit Quality” Managerial Auditing Journal (2022) 37: 937-966 (with Han Stice and Roger White).
- “Strategic Disclosure and Debt Covenant Violation” Journal of Management Accounting Research (2022) 34: 29–57 (with Thomas Bourveau and Rencheng Wang).
- “What’s My Style? Supply-Side Determinants of Debt Covenant Inclusion” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (2022) 49: 461-490 (with Zhiming Ma and Christopher Williams) – Presented at the 2021 JBFA Capital Markets Conference.
- “Stop the Presses! Or Wait, We Might Need Them: Firm Responses to Local Newspaper Closures and Layoffs” Journal of Corporate Finance (2021) 69: 102035 (with Min Kim, Han Stice, Roger White).
- “The Effect of Bank Monitoring on Public Bond Terms” Journal of Financial Economics (2019) 133: 379-396 (with Zhiming Ma and Christopher Williams).
- “Auditor Choice and Information Asymmetry: Evidence from International Syndicated Loans” Accounting and Business Research (2019) 49: 365-399 (with Zhiming Ma and Rencheng Wang).
- “The Market Response to Implied Debt Covenant Violations” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (2018) 45: 1,195-1,223 (Dissertation).
- “Do Banks Care About Analysts’ Forecasts When Designing Loan Contracts?” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (2018) 45: 625-650 (with Joshua Coyne).
- “The Information Role of Audit Opinions in Debt Contracting” Journal of Accounting and Economics (2016) 61: 121-144 (with Peter Chen, Shaohua He, Zhiming Ma).
- Winner: IMBA Teaching Award 2020-21, HKU-Fudan University
- Winner: Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence, HKUST, 2015
- Winner: Best 10 Lecturers on Campus, HKUST, 2012
- Dean’s Letter of Teaching Recognition HKUST (2012-2018)
- Residence Master of Hall VII – HKUST (July 2015 – June 2019)