Mr. Baniel CHEUNG
Adjunct Assistant Professor

3917 7763

KK 103

Japan, Hong Kong academics say virtual learning no match for real thing

While online classes have become the norm amid the COVID-19 pandemic, academics from Japan and Hong Kong believe that online classes cannot truly be a substitute for face-to-face learning despite the merits of technology in communicating with students.

男团代言产品 粉丝:购买因支持偶像 学者:MIRROR及ERROR形象亲民 拉近品牌距离


【电话卡实名制】港府延长电话卡实名登记咨询至3月20日 建议购储值卡须提供身份证数据、每人限购3张

政府公布,延长电话智能卡实名登记制度的公众咨询期至3月20日,让业界和市民有更多时间研究咨询文件的内容和建议,并向政府提交意见。商务及经济发展局局长邱腾华表示,咨询建议要求市民购买太空卡时,须提供「身份证上的数据」,包括姓名、出生日期等,以便电讯商核对数据,而每人只限购买最多3张太空卡,未成年则需得家长同意。 香港大学经济及工商管理学院客席助理教授张天秀指,本港不少人因工作需要或私人理由,都有多于一个或以上的电话号码,加上不少人会将电话号码与社交媒体平台连接,在消费者角度而言,变相存在一定私隐隐忧

【逆市推銷】品牌逆市發圍 投放大量廣告助建立品牌認知?

Mr. Baniel Cheung, Adjunct Assistant Professor, shares how to do a successful promotion on HKET.

傅家俊無懼疫市 與拍擋開設全球首間兒童桌球學校

Mr. Baniel Cheung, Adjunct Assistant Professor, shares the objectives of founding Master Snooker Kingdom with Marco Fu and the development of a unique education system to be expanded across Asia.

企業面對公關事件 及時兼具同理心

Mr. Baniel Cheung, Adjunct Assistant Professor, expressed his opinions on how company should handle PR crisis on HKET.

【疫市營商】Chanel加價反吸引掃貨 學者:名牌加價增「我買得起」優越感

Mr. Baniel Cheung, Adjunct Assistant Professor, expressed his opinions on luxury brands strategy during economic recession.

【疫市營商】疫情長遠影響消費習慣 數碼轉型可救亡?

Mr. Baniel Cheung, Adjunct Assistant Professor, expressed his opinions on digital transformation of businesses during coronavirus epidemic.

【新冠肺炎】疫情持續 有餐廳仍預約到4月底?

Mr. Baniel Cheung, Adjunct Assistant Professor, expressed his opinions on how restaurants maintain businesses during coronavirus epidemic.