Undergraduate students excel at Scotiabank International Case Competition

Organised by the Ivey Business School, the Scotiabank International Case Competition took place from 20 – 23 March.

A team of four undergraduate students (photo from left), consisting of BBA(Law)&LLB student AU-YEUNG Yau Man and BBA(IBGM) students NGAI Siu Chung, CHEUNG Ming Yan and WONG Yat Nam, was named the finalist and 2nd Runner-up in the competition. The team was coached by the Faculty Advisor Mr. Albert Fung.

Presented and sponsored by the Scotiabank Digital Banking Lab at Ivey and Scotiabank, the four-day packed case competition gathered a total of 13 teams from 11 countries. The business case of this year focused on challenges and opportunities of the evolving consumer automobile industry. In addition to the vigorous case preparation and presentations, the team got the opportunity to tour the Mercedes-Benz London dealership, and had better understanding about the car buying and servicing process in Canada.

The competition also provides an excellent platform for students to experience different cultures and international networking, and get real experience with international business.

Student feedback about the competition:

Throughout the contest, we were thoroughly humbled by the breadth and importance of the industry insights, in particular how major stakeholders connect with each other. The scale of the competition speaks for itself. Participants are all endowed with versatile backgrounds and unique talents. We met tons of great minds through social events and the final presentation.

The feedback from judges are valuable. Their experience in the banking and consulting industries facilitates our reflection on case management, and benefits our future career. Professionalism aside, we were able to have better cultural sensitivity, which is often considered indispensable for a global leader.

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