IBGM students recognised for innovative ideas on improving customer experience

The winning team members (2nd from left) Rachel Cha, Gary Ngai, Irving Teh and Kony Kwong, with representatives from Hong Kong Maxim’s Group and JTH Group.

The HKU team consisting of four BBA in International Business and Global Management students, CHA Lok Yiu Rachel, NGAI Tai Ki Gary, TEH Irving and KWONG Hing Tim Kony, is named as one of the four winning teams in the JOS Innovation Awards 2018-19. In this year competition, participants were asked to suggest ideas on improving the customer experience in different sectors, including technology, insurance, food & beverage services and property.

Partnering with Hong Kong Maxim’s Group, the HKU team Finnovate has suggested a proposal on expanding features of Maxim’s mobile application which focuses on customer health, including a personalised health tracking portal that provides key insights based on consumer behavior, and a one-click smart ordering function. By utilising big data and technologies, the team believes that customers can gain valuable insights on their eating habits, intelligent and adaptive food recommendations, and facilitate a healthier diet and lifestyle.

The JOS Innovation Awards 2018-19 this year attracted over 50 teams. The shortlisted teams attended an interactive sharing session and received guidance from business leaders. Following a final contest, four winning teams each won HK$30,000 and further mentorship sessions.

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港大經管學院舉辦第二屆中國經濟季度論壇 以學術角度分析當前中國經濟熱點話題
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港大經管學院舉辦第二屆中國經濟季度論壇 以學術角度分析當前中國經濟熱點話題
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The 2nd HKU Quarterly Forum on Chinese Economy will be held on April 26, 2024 (Friday) at HKU iCube, co-organized with Nankai Alumni Association (香港南开校友会).