BOCHK Challenge 2023


The BOCHK Challenge 2023 is a fintech innovation case challenge hosted by the Bank of China (Hong Kong) and co-organized by Huawei, Microsoft, HKPC, and HKMA-ASTRI Fintech Innovation Hub. The challenge aimed to provide a platform for young innovators to showcase their creative ideas and foster an environment of creativity. The theme this year was “Pioneering in Technology, Ignite the Future”, which covered five major technological disciplines, including Insurtech, Investech, Fintech, Regtech, and Greentech.

The challenge consisted of two rounds, starting with the proposal submission. The committee selected the top 10 teams to participate in the workshops and compete for the awards of the challenge in the Final Round. Selected teams were required to submit presentation materials and pitch their ideas to the panel of judges and peers on-site. The BOCHK Challenge 2023 provided a great opportunity for young innovators to unleash their creative prowess and spark novel ideas that could shape the future of technology.

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Bronze Award for Innovative Design

Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Winnie Leung


Ms. Yan Yu, BEcon&Fin, Year 3
Ms. Shum Wa Ching, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2
Mr. Wong Yin Ki, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 3
Ms. He Ye, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2

From left to right: Ms. Shum Wa Ching, Mr. Wong Yin Ki, Ms. Yan Yu and Ms. He Ye

Students Sharing:

“This challenge truly provided a stage for us to elevate our leadership potential in this digital era and unleash our creative prowess within the financial industry. Through rigorous research and intensive brainstorming, we were able to delve deeply into ESG-related topics, leveraging the power of trending technologies to formulate our innovative yet feasible strategy. I also gained inspiration from the detailedness of strategies developed by other Fintech start-up entrepreneurs and university students. Clinching the Bronze Award in Innovative Design with my team was rewarding. In addition, I am particularly grateful for all the insightful feedback and support offered by our faculty advisor, Dr. Winnie Leung, and our BOCHK mentor, Mr. Daniel Li.”

(By YAN Yu)


“As a participant in the BOCHK Challenge 2023, I was responsible for the situation analysis of customer pain points and the recommendation of our strategy. This task involved a deep dive into understanding the needs and challenges faced by customers in managing their finances. I conducted extensive research and analysis to identify key pain points. The experience was highly rewarding as it allowed me to apply my analytical skills to a real-world problem and propose a solution that could potentially improve the financial well-being of diverse customers.”

(By HE Ye)


“My biggest takeaway from this challenge is learning how to combine financial technology and real-life events in an innovative way. Besides, by researching ESG-related topics and local regulations deeply, I also gained valuable insights on how to integrate ESG-related issues and applications into the banking industry. Overall, this challenge allowed me to explore various technological options and study how to incorporate them into the finance industry.”

(By WONG Yin Ki)


“Participating in the BOCHK Challenge 2023 was an amazing learning experience for our team. It provided us with the opportunity to learn about the latest trends in financial technology and challenged us to create innovative technological solutions for BOCHK, which prompted us to explore new knowledge and brainstorm intensively. It was also very eye-opening to learn from other start-up teams and university students’ innovative ideas; all other teams had very impressive work. Winning the Bronze Award of Innovative Design in the challenge was a great achievement and recognition for us, and it has encouraged me to dive deeper into the world of technological solutions for the financial industry.”

(By SHUM Wa Ching)

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