ACRC Online Workshop Series on Case Solving

We are delighted to provide you with a recap of our recent online workshop series on “Case Solving,” conducted by case expert Zsolt Ábrahám.

The workshop series consisted of three sessions, which aimed to equip participants with the concepts and tools necessary to excel in case and problem-solving, in addition to other skills relevant to business competitions.

The first session, “Option Tree & the Case Solving Process,” held on January 19th, provided insights into how to set up an option tree – a common tool used in business – and how to analyze the case-solving process effectively.

The second session, “Analysis and Strategy Building for Cases,” held on January 26th, focused on the various tools and techniques used in analyzing business cases. Zsolt shared his experience and insights on how to develop a winning strategy for a case, including understanding key performance indicators (KPIs) and how to work with them.

The final session, “Storylining & Case Presentation,” held on February 2nd, taught attendees about the importance of storytelling and how to use it in business competitions. Zsolt shared his experience on how to create a compelling story through storylining techniques and deliver effective presentations during case competitions.

Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming events!

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港大經管學院舉辦第二屆中國經濟季度論壇 以學術角度分析當前中國經濟熱點話題
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港大經管學院舉辦第二屆中國經濟季度論壇 以學術角度分析當前中國經濟熱點話題
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