Winner of the CBS Case Competition 2023

Winner of the CBS Case Competition 2023


The CBS Case Competition (CCC), one of the world’s most recognized undergraduate case competitions, aims to strengthen internationalization and create lifetime experiences through elevating both social and professional student. It is organized and hosted entirely by highly dedicated students from Copenhagen Business School.

The eight-day case competition took place from February 25 – March 4, 2023 connects talented business students from 12 selected business schools across the world for the ultimate case challenge, in a setting of challenging real-life case-solving and social networking. The business case of this year focused on challenges and opportunities for a global leading renewable energy company. In addition to the challenging case preparation and presentations, the team got the opportunity to experience Danish culture and build friendship with liked-minded peers with various social activities.


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Award: 1st Place

Team List:

Mr. Chan Yin Tsung Lawrence, BBA(IBGM), Year 4

Miss Chen Ying Hei Helena, BBA(IBGM), Year 4

Mr. Sheung Chi Long, BBA(IBGM), Year 4

Miss Tsao Wing Sze, BBA(IBGM), Year 4


Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Jing Li


Students Sharing:

“Participating in the CBS case competition as a representative of HKU Business School in Copenhagen was an unforgettable experience. I am incredibly proud of my team for winning the championship, and it was a fantastic way to wrap up my undergraduate studies on a high note.

Our team had to work on a market entry pitch for Vestas, a global leader in renewable wind turbines, for their entrance into the Power to X or green hydrogen value chain. It was a challenging case to tackle as renewable energy businesses are not as prominent in Asia as they are in Europe. The market we were entering was also nascent and undeveloped, making it a more technical case. Additionally, we had only 22 hours to complete the case, which added time pressure to an already difficult situation.

The last few times I represented the school were all virtual competitions due to the pandemic, so attending a physical one was truly a humbling and life-changing experience. I had the opportunity to meet clever and driven competitors from around the world, each with their own perspective and expertise. The judges were all seasoned professionals in relevant industries or even in management of the case company, ensuring that the questions asked were challenging but thought-provoking. The organizing team worked tirelessly to ensure the entire week went smoothly and kept us on our toes to ensure we were having fun.

Working with my teammates taught me so much about teamwork and effective communication under time pressure and stress, skills that will be invaluable in my future career. We also learned a lot about the technical industries involved in the cases, which are high-growth industries that will be at the forefront of the future. I am truly honored and grateful for this opportunity, and I am excited to see how the case team of HKUBS continues to develop and become one of the best case teams worldwide.”

– Chan Yin Tsung Lawrence, BBA(IBGM)


“It is my honour to have represented HKU and Hong Kong along with Lawrence, Sunny and Theresa in the CBS Case Competition 2023. Winning the championship would not have been possible without the support from my fellow teammates, our case coach Ms Pipin Tasdyata, as well as resources provided by HKUBS. Through the one-week competition, not only have I gained valuable insights from the presentations made by other competing teams, but also made lifelong connections through creating lifetime experiences and immersing in the Danish culture with fellow competitors, who are now friends, from around the world. The experience was truly an eye-opening and life-changing one that I will forever cherish and adore.”

– Chen Ying Hei Helena, BBA(IBGM)


“Being able to join CBS Case Competition Invitational is like a dream come true for me. It was an intellectually challenging and intense week and would undoubtedly be one of the highlights of my university life. Exchanging ideas with other teams coming from different background and training has been a very rewarding experience. On the other hand, working on a wind energy related case, which I have very limited understanding of, within 22 hours, has also proven to be very difficult but exciting.”

– Sheung Chi Long, BBA(IBGM)


“The CBS Case Competition week has been a lifetime experience for me. It was more than just an ordinary inter-school competition – we were provided with diverse and ample opportunities to explore the local community and culture, connect with other international participants who are all from top institutions, and learn from industry experts.

The most unforgettable activity is no doubt the 22 hours of case cracking during which we were given a challenging real-world case focusing on the energy sector, a topic I found very unfamiliar with. It was a tough and intense time since we had to not only understand the sector but also identify the key problems and identify a viable and comprehensive resolution within limited time. Nonetheless, the entire experience was proven rewarding and fruitful. Beyond our championship in the competition, I had fun during the team building activities, and other social events and gained in-depth insights into the industry thanks to the case solving and mentors. Most importantly, I am tremendously grateful to have spent these moments with my teammates, who have always been supportive of each other. The friendship we built along the way would be invaluable to me.”

– Tsao Wing Sze, BBA(IBGM)


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