Investing in the Future University Competition 2023 by Pictet Asset Management

Investing in the Future University Competition 2023 by Pictet Asset Management

The Investing in the Future University Competition 2023 by Pictet Asset Management provided an opportunity for students from universities in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan to act as investment managers in Pictet Asset Management’s thematic equities team and to identify a company with attractive growth prospects that offers products and/or services tackling the world’s pressing environmental issues.

The competition consisted of two stages. Students were required to submit a concise proposal which was evaluated by the screening panel, composed of sustainability and investment experts from Pictet Asset Management and the International Chamber of Sustainable Development (ICSD). The finalists were shortlisted to present their ideas to a panel of judges, composed of top-tier industry experts, who evaluated the pitches and determined the ultimate winners of the competition.

Out of around 800 talented participants representing 21 universities across Hong Kong SAR, Mainland China, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan, HKU team was awarded the 2nd Runner-up!


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2nd Runner Up

Team Name: Lighthouse Capital

Team Members:

Mr. Chung Muk Yan, BSc(QFin), Year 3

Ms. Lee Hiu Yee, BBA(IBGM), Year 3

Mr. Cheung Chun Ho, BEcon&Fin, Year 3

Students Sharing:

“Participating in the competition was a fun and unique experience. Throughout this competition, I was able to hone my research skills and, at the same time, gain practical knowledge in the thematic investment field. I also seized this precious opportunity to learn from the professional judges and the teams from all around Asia.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my teammates Huey and Kelvin for their immense effort and unconditional support. We would not have gone this far without them. I would also like to express my gratitude to mentors and organisers from Pictet Asset Management for their guidance and continued support in the training and feedback sessions.”

(By Chung Muk Yan (Adrian))

“Winning the competition has been an incredible experience for me. From the initial information session to the enlightening sessions with professionals from Pictet and HKUST, I have gained a deep understanding of ESG investing, focusing on a micro-level that centers on individual companies. Not to mention, it was a bliss to compete with teams from Singapore and Mainland China in the finals. I truly enjoy exchanging insights and learning from each other’s unique perspectives. Last but not least, I must thank my dedicated teammates who worked tirelessly throughout this competition.”

(By Lee Hiu Yee (Huey))

“Engaging in the competition was a significant milestone in my journey. From the comprehensive analysis of individual equity in the initial round to the final presentation in the final round, I have developed a profound comprehension of how ESG factors affect investment decisions. Collaborating with professionals from Pictet Asset Management and HKUST enriched my knowledge in thematic investment and ESG investing. Additionally, participating in an international competition with teams from Singapore and China provides a valuable opportunity to broaden my horizons. Lastly, I am immensely grateful to my teammates for their incredible efforts and hard work throughout the competition.”

(By Cheung Chun Ho (Kelvin))

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