HKICPA Business Case Competition 2023

The HKICPA Business Case Competition provided an opportunity for students from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau, with diverse educational backgrounds, to demonstrate their academic competencies and business acumen in solving real-life challenges and honing their skills, while also fostering their professional judgment and global perspectives.

This year, the competition focused on the Digital Entertainment Industry. Students were required to submit a business proposal including an executive summary, analysis of the business model, recommendations on addressing ethical dilemmas, as well as evaluation of key performance indicators and acquisition targets. Over 530 students, 180 teams from 16 institutions registered for the competition. Following two rounds of review on 139 submitted business proposals, six finalist teams were shortlisted to present their ideas to a panel of judges based on their proposals.

Website / Image URL:—Promote-draft



2nd Runner Up


Ms. Luo Regina, BBA(IBGM), Year 1 (Team Leader)

Ms. Chen Man Chin, BBA(IBGM), Year 1

Ms. Ho Ying Tung Crystal, BBA(IBGM), Year 1

Ms. Tan Xinyi Veronica, BBA(IBGM), Year 1


Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Matthias Buehlmaier

Dr Jing Li


Students Sharing:

“Taking part in this competition was an extraordinary experience that allowed me to expand my business knowledge and fostered my growth in several soft skills. Our team was able to use our critical thinking skills to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a business and make recommendations to support its long-term growth. It was a fresh new experience as we learnt to think outside the box and make decisions based on different platforms by putting ourselves in the shoes of the gaming company. Communication and presentation skills were another key takeaway from the competition for me. I learnt how to listen, ask questions and give feedback during teamwork and how to present a concise argument to convince the judges within the time limit during the presentation.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to HKU Business School for providing endless opportunities for students to learn outside the classroom, to Ms. Pipin Tasdyata, case competition coach, for teaching us practical skills in presentation before the finals, and most importantly, to my teammates, who were all dedicated team players who strived to be the best throughout the competition. The competition was truly a wonderful and invaluable experience.”

(By LUO Regina)


“Participating in this competition was an invaluable experience that significantly contributed to our personal growth. For me, tackling complex problems and developing viable solutions for the gaming company presented a great challenge, especially considering my limited familiarity with the gaming sector. However, this opportunity allowed me to acquire a wealth of knowledge in this field and improve my critical thinking abilities, information evaluation skills, and problem-solving capabilities.

Furthermore, presenting the proposed solutions in front of a panel of judges greatly enhanced my communication and presentation skills. In the business world, the ability to deliver a compelling and concise argument effectively is crucial. Therefore, this experience holds lifelong importance for my future career path.”

(By CHEN Man Chin)


“Participating in this competition was an extraordinary experience. The opportunity to analyze a complex business problem, present it to a panel of judges, and work closely with my teammates was both challenging and rewarding. I learnt how to dissect the case critically, approach problems systematically, and formulate innovative and comprehensive solutions. Such analytical abilities will enable me to tackle more complex business cases in the future. Moreover, the competition provided me with a platform to refine my presentation skills. I was more capable of communicating my ideas compellingly and persuasively in front of an audience. Last but not least, I am deeply grateful to my teammates who motivated and inspired each other throughout the countless hours spent working on the competition. Our collective effort contributed to our success. Looking back, I have learnt invaluable lessons that have not only enhanced my business acumen but also shaped me as an individual. I am confident that the skills and knowledge I have gained in this competition will serve as a solid foundation for my future endeavors in the world of business.”

(By HO Ying Tung Crystal)


 “It was truly an extraordinary and lifetime experience for me to participate in this case competition. This opportunity allowed me to delve deep into a company’s market and business analysis, explore its core competencies, identify ethical dilemmas, and ultimately offer robust suggestions regarding potential acquisition targets. The case materials, along with the thought-provoking questions and comments from the judges, offered fresh perspectives that broadened my perception and provided valuable insights. The business models and the ethical dilemmas we encountered presented significant challenges for our team, especially given the context of the gaming industry this year. It required us to step out of our comfort zone and acquire industry-specific knowledge beforehand. Thanks to the dedication and support from my wonderful teammates, we overcame these obstacles and ultimately lifted the trophy. Our collective effort and perseverance proved to be truly rewarding. Lastly, I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who guided and supported us throughout the preparation process.”

(By TAN Xinyi Veronica)

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