FSDC Practitioner Speakers Series: Compliance in the Financial Market
The FSDC Practitioner Speakers Series: Compliance in the Financial Market is jointly presented by Faculty of Business and Economics and Financial Services Development Council (FSDC). This forum aims to provide students with the understanding of career choices in the financial services industry.
After the global financial crisis in 2007-2008, financial regulators around the world have stepped up their regulatory efforts to prevent a similar incident from happening again. This has resulted in more stringent financial regulations which require more internal checking on part of the regulatees and heightened disclosure standards.
Compliance departments across banks, brokerage firms and asset managers have been expanding in both size and importance for the past years and they look certain to keep growing for the foreseeable future. Banks, brokerage firms and asset managers across the world are piling more resources into their ‘middle office’ risk and compliance teams to avoid facing massive fines from regulators. Many high paying jobs, with many senior roles, have been created in compliance.
The speaker will share the ins and outs of a job in the compliance industry, and how to build a successful career in compliance and risk management.
Date: March 21, 2018 (Wednesday)
Time: 4:30pm-4:45pm (Registration)
4:45pm-6:00pm (Forum)
Venue: Convocation Room, 2/F, Main Building, HKU
Language: English
Ms Angelina Kwan, CPA
Managing Director and Head of Regulatory Compliance
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
ALL HKU students and young alumni are welcome.
Please reserve a seat via http://www.hkubs.hku.hk/go/FSDCPSS2018
Registration is free of charge. Seats are limited and reservation will be confirmed on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Enquiries: fbecomm@hku.hk / (+852) 3917 4047