
The Future of
Hong Kong Economy
September 28, 2022
Diamond Patron

Gold Patron

Silver Patron

Sequence of logos is in alphabetical order of company name.
Diamond Patron
- Ten (10) complimentary tickets to the exclusive lunch keynote session and the full-day conference
- Prominent logo/ name on the conference’s website
- Prominent logo/ name on the stage backdrop
- Prominent logo/ name on other publicity materials
- Verbal appreciation at the Opening of the Conference
Gold Patron
- Six (6) complimentary tickets to the exclusive lunch keynote session and the full-day conference
- Logo/ name on the conference’s website
- Logo/ name on the stage backdrop
- Logo/ name on other publicity materials
Silver Patron
- Two (2) complimentary tickets to the exclusive lunch keynote session and the full-day conference
- Logo/ name display on the conference’s website
- Logo/ name on the stage backdrop
- As we strictly abide by the authority’s regulations on event hosting, the conference might be modified, postponed, or cancelled as necessary subject to the government’s latest social distancing measures.
For enquiries, please contact Ms. Cathy Wong (Tel. 3917-1552) or email at fbe.conference@hku.hk.